Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ultrasounds and Baby Classes

Little Miss Sophia showed her cuteness to the world again last Friday when we had an ultrasound. This ultrasound was just like the 20 week level 2 US. They went into detail to see how the little miss was progressing. Sophia was doing her usual dramatic hand-over-the-forehead-woe-is-me-scarlett-ohara pose during one of the shots. She was also kicking like mad. It was actually really amazing to feel her kick and be able to watch it happen on screen at the same time. She got the same comments from the ultrasound tech as before... "perfect", "adorable" and even got a "do you see that cute little nose?!" comment. Eat your heart out, gentlemen. =-) The ultrasound tech had to replace the film about 3/4 of the way through the scan because she was taking so many photos. Turns out that Miss Sophia has already turned and is head down! Hurrah. I'm sure there is potential for her to move again but it's great to know that she's made it down in to launch position.

Vince and I had our regular doctor appointment today where we got the results of the scan. Miss Sophia is currently about 3.5 lbs and doing well. The gestational age showed her to be 30 weeks, which is a week ahead of where our due date was originally. That puts us at October 9.... which coincidentally is John Lennon's birthday. Again, the doc is not changing the due date but seeing her at 3.5 lbs and knowing she's a week ahead of schedule is all great news to the doctor. All is well with me, although I gained a bit more weight than usual... I'm usually at the two pound mark in a 3 week range but I gained 4 pounds.... in a week! My blood pressure has been holding steady at home, which is great. No proteins present but the doctor is taking it week by week. We took my BP as we left the office and it was a good 125/75. Hurrah!

As a side note, because life hasn't been crazy enough, we took our Infant Safety/CPR class last night at the hospital. Loads of great information that we hope we never have to use on our child or anyone elses. We got some great hands on experience with a lovely little plastic baby modeling a sailor feminine pink & white stripe out. Although CPR is serious stuff, you have to admit that the plastic baby makes you giggle just a bit...

Over the course of the next week, I'll be loading up on veggies and staying away from ice cream. I swear, I only had two...

Friday, July 31, 2009

Time To Catch Up!

We've obviously been incredibly busy since I haven't updated the blog in almost two months. I'll do a quick summer catch-up and bring you up to date:

1. The little one...First things first, it's a girl! We found out we were going to be blessed with a little girl on June 5 at our 20 week level 2 ultrasound. The ultrasound tech took loads of measurements from the size of the brain, the chambers of the heart and even the leg bone. It was a bit nerve-wracking watching all of the measurements being taken and hoping that everything was healthy. The best part was that with each new measurement, the ultrasound tech kept saying "beautiful" and "perfect". Both words you want to hear when it comes to the health of your baby. So, armed with the news we were having a girl, we set out to decide the name.

2. The name... After debating between two first names that we had each picked and agreeing on the same middle name, we finally decided on one! And when I say decided, it means one of us gave in (note: if the next one is a girl, the name is mine. :-) ). The first addition to our family, our little miss, will be named Sophia Grace Neglia.

3. The nursery... We ordered the crib and changing table/dresser right after finding out that little miss Sophia was healthy and "perfect". We had already found the set we were interested in but decided to hit up the sale at BabyUSA in Burbank. Good thing we did because we found a gorgeous crib and changing table that was not only on sale but as gorgeous as the other set we'd seen. We picked out the Bonavita Peyton collection in white and are over the moon about them. We've just got everything put together (well, Vince did) and we'll take pictures once the nursery is finished. For now, enjoy the manufacturers photo. :)

4. Nursey decor... Everyone keeps asking us what our nursery theme is. Honestly, we had it picked out months before we know the sex of the baby. We found the set @ Mama & Papas, a nursery store in London. The set is called "Light Of The Moon" and is a nursery rhyme themed set. Vince's sister, Maria, bought us the crib set and we brought it back home with us in April. Thank you, Gibilaro family! We purchased a few other items that went with the set, like an Owl book end, mobile, door hanger and much much more. We'll post photos of everything once it's set up.

5. Latest on me... I've been taken out of work earlier than anticipated. I was expecting to go out on disability starting September 18 but due to high blood pressure and complications, the doctor took me out of work starting July 30 and put me on bed rest. The goal is to keep my blood pressure from getting to a point where it's toxic to the baby and apparently, it can change over night so the doc is being incredibly cautious and thinking about the welfare of our little miss. I really appreciate it. At this point, our due date is still October 16 but the doctor probably wont let me get to 40 weeks. We may be looking at having the baby at the end of Sept/beg of Oct. We're seeing the doctor once/week at this point so I'm guessing we'll know more as each week progresses. For now, I'm resting and relaxing and finding time to update this blog. Leaving working on such a short notice was really difficult but I have to do what's best for the baby and myself. And for now... we're caught up! Next post: Our next ultrasound!

Monday, June 1, 2009

We've Moved

We've finally settled into our new digs and couldn't be happier.  Sure, there's loads of unpacking and finishing up to do but all-in-all, we're in a good place.  The new house is bigger and the baby will have it's own little nursery!  I'll post some photos of the new casa tomorrow.  So far, the nursery is housing boxes but we did buy baby clothing hangers yesterday so we're making progress.  I've even started unpacking some of the baby items we bought in London! The little pony to the left is one of my favorites...

I've started feeling the baby a teeny bit more but since the doc diagnosed me with an anterior placenta, I probably wont be feeling too many kicks until later on.  I'm kind of bummed about that since I was hoping feeling the baby move more would ease my anxiety but I guess I'll have to trust that everything is going as expected.  My belly is getting bigger and I will be taking some belly photos to post here.  I've also been looking at potential photographers to do baby belly photos.  Lisa Reilly is my #1 choice.  She did our friends photos and they came out beautiful.  You can check out her site for more lovely photos.

So far....
Cravings:  Chocolate, Ice Cream, Food In General
Difficulties:  Anxious, Unable to Get Comfortable Sleeping, Laying on my back feels not-so-good

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

19 weeks and counting...

Baby Neglia has been on the move, recently.  I've started feeling more kicks and I'm happy to know that the little one is doing a dance with the little space that it's in.  We had our regular monthly check-up this morning.  Everything went well and Doctor Newfield pulled out the fetal monitor.  We were able to hear some kicks (they sound like scratching thumps) and the doctor was able to hear a faint heartbeat.  To be on the safe side, he had us to an ultrasound.  To our happy surprise, everything is fine.  The little one has a strong heartbeat and was even doing a bit of a dance!  The baby also wiggles a bit and scoots.  It doesn't have much room but it seems to be making the most of what room is does have!  As usual, we didn't get a picture from the doc and I forgot to ask Vince to take one with his phone.  But, not to worry friends; we've got our Level 2 ultrasound scheduled for June 5!  We'll get more detailed info on the baby's bits, including the sex!  We're going to take video at that appointment.  :)  We both just want this little one to be happy and healthy.

In other news, we're packing up and getting ready for the big move this weekend.  There's a lot going on in the Neglia household but it's all in a positive steps foward!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bubbles and Squishy Feelings...

18 weeks and counting!  Almost half-way there and I've started to feel little Baby Neglia move.  The feeling usually comes in the form of strange bubble sensations in my lower tummy.  They come and go and I'm excited to know that the baby's moving around in it's little space.  Last night, daddy-to-be gave me some ice cream and baby really liked that.  I started feeling strange squishy motions when I put my hand on my tummy.  Daddy cannot feel you move yet, little one, but we're both excited that you're doing well.  We have a doctor's appointment next Tuesday and will be scheduling our 20 week ultrasound for the following week.  Hopefully we'll be able to find out during that appt if the baby is a girl or a boy.

Btw - note to Baby Neglia...  Apparently the inability to sleep on my back is making sleeping difficult for me, which means Daddy doesn't sleep very well.  Mommy is a work in progress so I ask you to be patient while I adjust to this new found belly of mine.